Arama Sonu&ccedil;lar&#305; - Daralt&#305;lm&#305;&#351;: &Ouml;zel Koleksiyon Ata&ouml;v - Gorbachev, Mikhail SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dLOCATION$002509Lokasyon$0025091$00253AOZELATAOV$002509$0025C3$002596zel$002bKoleksiyon$002bAta$0025C3$0025B6v$0026qf$003dAUTHOR$002509Yazar$002509Gorbachev$00252C$002bMikhail$002509Gorbachev$00252C$002bMikhail$0026ps$003d300;jsessionid=009B11AA72523236AA2062A0A21CDCEC? 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z At the crucial stage of perestroika : speech at a meeting with the heads of the mass media, March 29, 1989. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29676 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Perestroika is the concern of all Soviet peoples : speech at a meeting with working people in Kiev February 23, 1989 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29837 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Visit of Mikhail Gorbachev, general secretary of the CPSU central committee, president of the USSR supreme Soviet, to the FRG June 12-15, 1989 : documents and materials ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29980 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Visit of Mikhail Gorbachev, general secretary of the CPSU central committee, chairman of the presidium of the USSR supreme Soviet, to Great Britain April 5-7, 1989 : documents and materials ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30532 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> To build up the intellectual potential of perestroika : meeting at the Cpsu Central committee with workers in the sciences and culture, January 6, 1989. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30487 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Visit of Mikhail Gorbachev, general secratary of the CPSU Central Committii, chairman of the presidium of the USSR supreme Soviet, to the People's Republic of China May 15-18, 1989 : documents and materials ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:81665 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Visit of Mikhail Gorbachev, general secretary of the CPSU central committee, chairman of the presidium of the USSR supreme Soviet, to India November 18-20, 1988 : documents and materials ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:28797 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> To give full power to the Soviets and Create a socialist state based on the rule of law : report at the session of the USSR supreme Soviet, November 29, 1988 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29349 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> To restore the image of socialism through democratization : a meeting at the CPSU central committee with the heads of the mass media, ideological institutions and artistic unions, May 7, 1988 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30303 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Documents and materials : report and speeches by Mikhail Gorbachev, General secretary of the CPSU Central Committee : resolutions ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30263 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> A powerful factor in world politics : a meeting with representatives of the world public Moscow, June 2, 1988 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30444 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> The success of perestroika is in the hands of the people ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30445 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Using the potential of cooperatives for furthering perestroika ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30668 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> On the tasks of the party in the radical restructuring of economic management : the report and concluding speech by the general secretary of the CPSU central committee at the plenary meeting of the CPSU central committee June 25-26, 1987 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:28521 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Young people are the creative force of the revolutionary renewal. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:62290 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Political report of the CPSU central committee to the 27th party congress February 25, 1986 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:27904 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Policy of peace versus policy leadingto war : from the speech at a meeting with the city of Togliatti, April 8, 1986 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29424 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Restructuring is urgent, it concerns everyone and everything : speech by Mikhail Gorbachev at the meeting of the activists of the Khabarovsk Territory Party Organization, July 31, 1986. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30333 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Once more on Reykjavik : people are entitled to know the truth : statement by the general secretary of the CPSU central committee on Soviet television October 22, 1986 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30534 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> Speech by Mikhail Gorbachev on Soviet television March 29, 1986 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30535 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> The results and lessons of reykjavik : summit meeting in the Icelandic capital : October 11-12, 1986 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:31757 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> For a peaceful future of europe and of all mankind ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:29468 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/> We speak openly about our policy objectives : documents of the CPSU central commitee plenary meeting October 15, 1985 ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:31051 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z 2024-06-13T22:51:03Z by&#160;Gorbachev, Mikhail<br/>Format:&#160;Kitap<br/>