Arama Sonu&ccedil;lar&#305; - Daralt&#305;lm&#305;&#351;: 1993 - Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword. SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025091993$0025091993$0026qf$003dAUTHOR$002509Yazar$002509Cott$00252C$002bNancy$002bF.$00252C$002beditor$00252C$002bwriter$002bof$002bforeword.$002509Cott$00252C$002bNancy$002bF.$00252C$002beditor$00252C$002bwriter$002bof$002bforeword.$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300;jsessionid=EE38817BE5A52213BD0A70948E4BA644? 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z History of women in the United States. 6, Working on the land : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102651 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 11, Women's bodies : health and childbirth : historical articles on women's lives and activities. ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102655 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 10, Sexuality and sexual behavior : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102656 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 13, Religion : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102657 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 14, Intercultural and interracial relations : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102658 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 12, Education : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102659 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/> History of women in the United States. 8, Professional and white-collar employments, part 2 : historical articles on women's lives and activities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1102667 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z 2024-06-07T17:54:55Z by&#160;Cott, Nancy F., editor, writer of foreword.<br/><a href="">Click to View</a><br/>Format:&#160;Elektronik Kaynak<br/>